To start with I’d like to quote Nietzsches line on music… ✨”WITHOUT MUSIC, LIFE WOULD BE A MISTAKE.”✨ ~Friedrich Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idol’s
I tend to hear, feel, and even see music everywhere. Being a musician, I’m admittedly a little biased, but, come to think of it, we all are——musicians, that is. We hum, we whistle, we sing and swing. Our everyday vocabulary is infused with musical terms: we resonate with people, thing’s strike a chord, we feel upbeat or downbeat, we act in concert, and on and on it goes.
More importantly, we’ve within us two immensely powerful instruments, the brain, and the heart ❤️. The brain is the keyboard that plays the music our mind composes. The heart is the metronome that beats our emotions’ rhythms; the soundboard amplifies the subtle music that plays within us. So, in effect, we have all we need to make a piece of Beautiful music 🎶. Or do we?
Are we really creating our music? And assuming we are, do we actually truly Play it on the stage of everyday life? Hardly. The question then is: What does it take to become the composers and the conductors of a harmonious life symphony?
For me, the Greatest kick in MUSIC is when I played Keyboard 🎹 In my school with my closest friend during Funfair and on Teachers day in front of the whole School strength of 5K students… When I’m extremely recognized by my whole staff and management of school… ❤️
Today and in this article, I’ll share with you a musical perspective on creating harmony within, expanding on insights I have gathered in my new book 7 Keys to Serenity. In fact, I’d like to invite you to imagine being the conductor of a huge orchestra, an ensemble that counts trillions of musicians who play the sacred music of your life: Your cells.
To be that conductor, You’ll need to cultivate the art of listening, which is precisely what my first key, A, stands for Awareness. It is the master key that opens all doors or, to stay in our musical analogy, the note that is sounded before the concert begins, bringing all instruments of the orchestra to okay in complete connectedness around one standard frequency——in the Western music system, that is.
But how exactly do we define awareness on the stage of life? No doubt we all experience daily the symptoms of its deficiency: The eyeglasses or the car keys we desperately look for, our vehicle itself we spend a frustrating amount of the time locating in a busy parking lot; and on and on it goes. We simply don’t pay attention.
We often speak more about mindfulness or consciousness. But awareness is much more. It involves intuition. Rather than a state of simple mental alertness, it is a balanced combination of mind and heart ❤️, a seamless integration of doing and being, of thinking and feeling our way through life. We might want to compare it to an embedded antenna that allows us to naturally and effortlessly scan our inner and outer environment, detecting the subtle variations that take place beyond the denseness of our five senses.
In the films, the Background Music cannot tell a story and it also cannot convey a specific existential phenomenon such as a very violent act happening. But what it does is that it can direct you to perceive a scene’s emotional content in a certain very specific way.
Background music can either enhance the existing emotion visually seen in the scene or it can highlight the emotion of one specific character in the scene as per his emotional response to a given happening or it can be used to direct the viewer’s mind to respond to the scenes content in a certain very specific way other than seemingly what is happening and also sometimes it can be used to make a damn big deal about something which in reality amounts to Nothing.
For all my interest in analyzing music. I could never really understand what it is about Music that makes us experience an emotion. Conceptual integrations of a physical form require a constant effort to understand and they many times can also result both in error and failure. But the process of music integration is automatic and effortless
Unless one is an animal or a child or an unimaginative idiot one’s reaction, response, and sensitivity to Music will carry a sense of total certainty of one’s emotional planes. It very surely involves one’s values and also one’s deepest sense of oneself. 💯❤️
“One must learn to love.—This is what happens to us in MUSIC: the first one has to learn to hear a figure and melody to all, to detect and distinguish it, to isolate it despite its strangeness, to be patient with its appearance and expression, and kindhearted about its oddity:—Finally there comes a moment when we are used to it when we wait for it when we sense that we should miss it if it were missing: and now it continues to compel and enchant us relentlessly until we have become it’s a humble and enraptured lover’s who desire nothing better from the World than it and only it.— But that is what happens to us not only in MUSIC: that is how we have learned to love all things that we now love. In the end, we are always rewarded for our goodwill, our patience, fairmindedness, and gentleness with what is strange; gradually, it sheds its veil and turns out to be a new and indescribable beauty:— that is its thanks for our hospitality. Even those who love themselves will have learned in this way: for there is no other way. Love, too, has to be learned.”
—Friedrich Nietzsche
So how exactly is Awareness going to help us create this harmonious life symphony?
First, rather ironically, we must create silence. We do this through deep breathing and pausing. Pauses help us create a few “Intermissions” in our daily routine, during which we disengage and become the observer, looking at and listening to ourselves from way above, like a disembodied entity, an angel 👼 of sorts——often shaking our head’s in disbelief, to be sure. We then come to realize how caught up we have become in autopilot mode, driving our lives mindlessly like we tend to drive our cars.
Awareness will help us align our thoughts, words, and actions, creating in the process vibrations of similar frequencies and therefore overall coherence and clarity. Harmony in music is all about alignment, coherent and balanced combinations, And so it is life. And yet, how often do our actions contradict our values? Incoherence leads to conflict, subtle as it is. Unbeknownst, we deplete our reservoir of internal life energy by allowing what science calls “Destructive interference” to take place. The result is dissonance, false notes, and disempowerment.
Awareness helps us to attune to our bodies and minds, to listen——like the conductor listens to his orchestra——to subtle music they play, correcting and adjusting the volume and rhythm of our emotions. According to which section (organ) of the body they’re playing in, our cells vibrate at different frequencies. Yet, by nature, they all play together, in holistic coherence and connectedness, executing a symphony called homeostasis, a wonderfully balanced piece of music that keeps us well and alive. At one point or another, however, some of these cells may begin to play out a tune. If you, the conductor, don’t notice this discordance in Timex the initial harmony might, over time, degenerate into a cacophony, creating a lack of ease and therefore dis-ease.
Awareness empowers us to live in authenticity, to discover, accept and be who we truly are. To sing our own song. Life is an ongoing performance, yet, how often do we play the music that doesn’t really resonate in our hearts and souls? If we are not in accord with ourselves if the music doesn’t resonate with us, how can it possibly resonate with others?
Awareness makes us realize the existence of the laws of attraction and resonance. Like attracts like. So, when we attune to a given thought frequency, we attract similar frequencies. In other words, you get what you think about. Although this sounds but cliched, it is a very powerful universal law that needs to be kept in mind at all times. What we think, how we think, creates our reality.
Victor Paul! (VictorPaul_Zoomin)
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